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Item: 2019100 
Multi-Grill Seasonings
Multi-Grill Seasonings

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Multi-Grill Seasonings

0072 Multi-Grill Seasonings - 4 Popular herb and spice combinations for the grill, each with its own flip-top shaker lid. These are great for camping, because they have everything you need to flavor you food, all in 1 container instead of several. Seasoning choices are: Grill and Broil Seasoning which contains: Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Black Pepper and Parsley, Seafood Seasoning which contains: Dry Mustard, Onions, Carrots, Coriander, Pimento, Dill, Pepper, Laurel and Juniper, Pepper Steak Seasoning which contains: Black Pepper, Salt, Paprika, Chili and Glutamate, Chicken Seasoning which contains: Salt, Paprika, Chili, Glutamate and Curry.

Store Quantity Availability:
Salt Lake City Store: 8
Ogden Store: 4
**We currently do not ship from our Idaho Falls store
Peoria Store: 4
Mesa Store: 7



Item Description

0072 Multi-Grill Seasonings - 4 Popular herb and spice combinations for the grill, each with its own flip-top shaker lid. These are great for camping, because they have everything you need to flavor you food, all in 1 container instead of several. Seasoning choices are: Grill and Broil Seasoning which contains: Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Black Pepper and Parsley, Seafood Seasoning which contains: Dry Mustard, Onions, Carrots, Coriander, Pimento, Dill, Pepper, Laurel and Juniper, Pepper Steak Seasoning which contains: Black Pepper, Salt, Paprika, Chili and Glutamate, Chicken Seasoning which contains: Salt, Paprika, Chili, Glutamate and Curry.


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Multi-Grill Seasonings
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Multi-Grill Seasonings
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Multi-Grill Seasonings
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Multi-Grill Seasonings
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Multi-Grill Seasonings

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Salt Lake City Store:  3600 S. Redwood Road, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119       Phone: (801)978-0400
Ogden Utah Store:     3088 S. Washington Blvd., Ogden Utah 84401              Phone: (801)334-0700
Idaho Falls Store:      2435 N. Yellowstone Highway, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Phone: (208)557-0400
Peoria Arizona Store: 8200 W. Peoria Ave Ste 140, Peoria, Arizona 85345       Phone: (623)412-0400
Mesa Arizona Store:  4227 E Main St, Mesa, Arizona 85205                           Phone: (480) 863-8400

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